Thursday, March 23, 2017

Eighteenth Post (Metroid)

Morph Ball… Worth it!

            This time around, we actually found ourselves back in the old Light of Terra… At least that’s what I thought it was considering there were tech priests running around and one of the Eldar on the ship came running by who I personally recognized and who had come with me on the ship. “Sir! Where are we?! What happened to the ship?” He asked as I simply climbed up to my feet and took a glance around my own personal bedroom.
            The walls, floors, ceilings, and even the furniture had taken on a much more advanced appearance. Smooth, lightly colored, metal hexagon plates lined the walls, smooth flooring with more curves and less, well… dark, gritty rails and plates. After going through my head for just a moment, It brought a bright smile to my face as I stepped up to the Eldar and gave him/her a small pat on the shoulder. “Welcome to Metroid this time around. The ship just got an upgrade you might agree with, heh.”
            After I sent him off and took the time to actually explain to everyone what just happened to the ship, which the captain was half and half about, I slipped off to gather everyone up and see about getting us out of the void of space and over to a proper docking area so that I may leave everyone to get acquainted with their 'new' ship and the technology attached to it.
            For now, however, I gathered everyone up into the dining room, except for Yankaka and Bang, who I had asked to leave me alone with the Sisters, of the warehouse for a bit of conversation… Specifically, I needed to talk to them about the fact that they were planning on leaving. Considering how this universe was, it was honestly one of the better ones for them to be left at, if they stayed with the Federation.
            I did my best to try and convince them to continue traveling with me, but as it was their choice in the end, I was less… adamant about such things. They each gave their reasons, Celestian being the most outspoken this time around as what I physically was and what I accepted, my very existence went against her views and, in turn, it did affect the other three.
Cierra’s reason was that she figured that I would be fine without her around, and besides, I could always visit post spark or with the return pad and, since they were probably going to be stuck in timestop, it would be as if no time passed. Fia was similar and, while Lina was a bit more ify about all of this, she settled down once I informed her that I would be visiting… Even if Celestian’s brow furrowed at the possibility. The fact that she didn’t object surprised me, but was quite welcome.
In the end, we parted ways at the first stop that we came to. I left them with the gifts I had given them throughout our time and, well, while it caused my heart to sink that they would be removed from my travels, it was just like anything else. I would see them again, so there was nothing to worry about.
They each did leave me with a memento to remember them by… Celestian left me with the car from Young Justice as she had no use for it anymore, Fia left me with a rather large pile of stories that she had wrote, Cierra actually gave Yankaka a cookbook of her very recipes and asked her to make sure I continued to have something sweet each day to make sure everything was well… which Yankaka was more than happy to agree to… and Lina left me with one of the paintings that she did in her spare time that was of herself. I would explain further, but it’s Lina and Yankaka was twitching a little by the time it was put away, if that answers anything.
Once they were gone, I decided to stay in my quarters for the day… Give myself some time to settle. I still had the picture and Meddy was kind enough to keep me company. While I didn’t want Yankaka around while I was in a bad mood, Meddy has seen every face I have, so I didn’t mind if she spent some time with me. Besides, I assured Yankaka that we would finally go on a date while we were here. Come to think of it… I am a terrible boyfriend sometimes.
We spent time together and went on short outings, but we never went on an official date because of the whitelight virus monster (Which popped up again cause I forgot about the arm.) and because the military was after my hide. Now that we were relatively safe and I had full control of my body… Though, there was something gnawing at the back of my mind, I simply pushed that off to the side. I knew what it was, but it was of no importance as of this moment in time.
For now, however, I took some time to myself to get used to my new upgrades. Because of the combinations and everything, I could actually transform properly… Change appearance, physical sex, voice, everything that I could physically change about myself. Even my cybernetics and other technologies, once integrated, could change with me as they were incorporated into my cellular structure on a level that I physically don’t have the knowledge to explain it properly. In short, the line between biology and technology had been erased at some point for me.
All of this was minor, however… There was one thing that was truly of note, of being mentioned. Setting myself up in the main room of the warehouse where I had plenty of open space before I took a step forward and rolled into a ball. I appeared very similar to Samus’ morph ball from what I could tell, but there were a few obvious changes in appearance.
The outer shell was the smooth, grey carapace of my Prototype armor, a smooth, dusky organic metal running through the gaps with small traces of black running through it all as if it was keeping it held together, the circle in the center of each side being a small, blue orb of similar make to the black material… Aka, organic.
I felt so compact, aware of everything around me and able to… to roll… So nostalgic. I remember playing Metroid Prime back home and this was the most entertaining part of the game. Worth every penny or trouble. I felt on top of the world… up until I realized I was a little stuck. As this was the first time I did such a thing, I was having trouble actually unraveling for one reason or another, which forced me to call out for Yankaka (As Bang was elsewhere.) for aid.
She came in with a little meow, glancing around for me until she caught sight of the rolling ball that was obviously new. “Hey, Yankaka… Can I get some he-“ The cat woman suddenly leaped toward me, barreling over with me in claw as she came to a stop, instinctively… At least I hoped that it was instinct… batting me from side to side, relentlessly rolling me around without any sort of mercy. “Oh, Nice Guy got Yankaka a present, nya! Little racist… but, I love it! He's so nice to Yankaka... Needs to take Yankaka on a date, but this make up for it, nya!” She exclaimed, which informed me that she did not hear me speak from the ball... and that her dangerous attachment may run a little deeper than I thought.

“Yankaka! It’s me! Stop knocking me around, I am not yarn!” I stated firmly, which caused her to pause for a moment. Everything seemed fine until she let out a sharp gasp, her sickle-shaped claws extending from those little slits in her jacket. “Nice Guy alright, nya? Yankaka help… Get you out of that trap gift!” Her toothy grin lowered, her eyes gaining lines to denote anger. Ah… Fuck… Still worth it!

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