Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Sixteenth Jump (Harvest Moon) Part 2

Let’s Get the Ball Rolling

            Winter rolled in without any real issues besides the occasional event with Lina and Celestian trying to alter how things were being done. It took some convincing to keep both of them from trying to turn back to Imperium functions in these little towns. For one, we didn’t have enough man power for such bureaucracy nor the ability to sacrifice innocent townspeople just because taxes were on the verge of going up or to create new cures.
            During the year, we had actually managed to get a few animals… Putting some trust into Yankaka, I allowed her to handle the chickens and Bang handled the single cow we had in the mornings before heading to the fields to make sure that nothing had moved in. In exchange, I made breakfast each morning and took the second shift with the cow and fields. No idea why, but instead of wearing a shirt, Bang simply wore a jacket and bared his chest as normal while Yan simply wore actual pants and a matching scarf along with her black-white jacket. I personally donned a coat I bought from the general store, along with a toboggan and scarf to keep me warm. Fucking lack of perks making me freeze at the slightest chill again.
            I did happen to ask Bang why he always bared his chest to the world and I quote “As a hero of love and justice, I must always leave my chest exposed so that the enemies of the world know that I fear nothing that they can bring forth!”. As I had a bottle of gin with me at the time, I didn’t bother arguing and simply drank away any confusion that I possessed at the time. Though, he did say that he had to head out to Bluebell to deliver a few items to one of their livestock sellers and pick up a few supplies in return and would probably have to stay for a day or two. Seemed like I was going to be stuck alone with Yankaka for a while… Might have to keep a bottle of water next to my bed to keep her at bay.
            At least she seemed to be calmer now that we were here and not back in Blazblue. Granted, part of it might be the fact that she got one thing she wanted… To live in the same house as me.
            Yankaka brought her paw-sleeves together with a little sigh as she sat down across from Bang at the dining table, taking this opportunity while Tadek was out at Bluebell to fetch himself something to drink. He had been drinking a hint more than usual from what, well… everyone could tell. It was a day or two before Bang had to head out, so she was taking this chance to talk to him and vice-versa.
            “So, how are we going to get him to stop drinking? Ever since winter hit, I think he started to do it out of boredom and he might not be used to how cold it is becoming if him huddling up next to any fire he can see is any indication.” Bang stated, his arms crossed over his broad chest as he planted his full attention on the Kaka who continued to hold her paw-sleeves together. “Yankaka can fix Sweet Guy’s chill, nya. She can just pull him in close at night, keep Sweet Guy warm…”
            The Kaka drifted off for a moment, but was brought back to reality by a quick cough from Bang. “But, what about his drinking habits? They are starting to actually harm him, I think… Found him waking up later and later each day and, depending on how dry he was, his mouth was occasionally covered in blood.” That got the Kaka’s attention, her paw-sleeves coming down to rest on the table while her ears folded back. “Nuuu! He shouldn’t be bleeding, nya. Sweet Guy’s bleeding and cold? That shouldn’t be happening, nya!”
            Bang nodded his head for a moment, giving Yankaka a chance to calm down. Tadek’s face was occasionally covered in blood between his bleeding nose and cracked/torn lips because the cold and the dehydration from his drinking. Even if they could fix his dehydration and stop the bleeding, drinking so much was still affecting his overall health. Not to mention how long Tadek had begun staying in bed each morning. Winter or not, sleeping in wasn’t right when there was work to be done! “We have tried hiding his drinks, destroying them, keeping him from the store, and didn’t you even try keeping him home for a full day just to keep an eye on him?”
            “Yan did keep him home, nya. Made him food and tried to get close while we watched TV… He wouldn’t let Yan get close.” She stated, her eyes and mouth turning into a straight line for a moment. Poor, attention-deprived Kaka. “Well, he isn’t exactly a physical person. Aren’t you two together?” Bang asked quietly, one of his eyebrows raising up as the question finally dawned on Yankaka, since her friend brought it up.
            “Together, nya? N-No… We aren’t, nya.” She answered, her gaze going down for a moment as her toothy grin turned down for the moment. “Hmm… Yankaka needs to fix that, nya. Yankaka wants Sweet Guy for herself!” She called out, her paw-sleeves slamming against the table, nearly knocking over Bang’s drink in the process. Bang leaned back slightly out of surprise, his brow furrowing a hint. “Are you alright, Yankaka? Sorry, if I touched a sensitive subject.”
            The Kaka whined softly, her face taking on an annoyed expression as that realization was apparently wearing on her a little. “Yankaka will help Sweet Guy, nya. Stay a day or two at Bluebell, Shirtless Man, nya. Sweet Guy will be drinking less and be Yankaka’s before nyou return.” Bang’s brow furrowed a hint more before he eventually let out a sigh and nodded his head. “Very well. Just don’t go overboard, alright?”
            “Don’t worry, nya. Yankaka NEVER goes overboard…”
            Well, since Bang had left early this morning after breakfast, I was left to take care of our cow. That ninja took good care of her from what I could tell, but all I could really do was make sure she was fed, had something to drink, and wasn’t freezing at night while he was away. I did make sure to check on them before it got too dark, of course, mostly to make sure that they had everything they needed for the night before returning home.
            As I stepped into the main room of my home, I slipped out of my coat and was just about to put it up till I realized something. I couldn’t see a damn thing. “Hey, Yankaka. Why did you turn out the lights?” It took me a moment, but I eventually found the lightswitch and flipped it on, only to be greeted with a flash of light and a waking Kaka who sat up and stretched her arms a little bit. I don’t know how, but she managed to find a pajama hoodie-jacket… If my memory serves, Fia actually made it for her. It was a little shorter than her usual jacket and she normally wore these socks with it instead of her shoes. The true secrets of the universe… What a Kaka’s head, arms, and legs actually look like.
            “Why Sweet Guy wake Yan, nya?” She asked simply while I walked past. Her ears perked up as if she apparently remembered something as I walked past. “My apologies. Couldn’t see a thing. Still don’t know why they made the bedroom the main room of the h-ack!” I was unable to finish what I was saying as I was suddenly grabbed by the Kaka, her arms wrapping around my chest and waist. “Yan remember why she was in bed, nya! Come here!”
            Did… Did she fall asleep while waiting on me? I was gone for ten minutes. That was not important, considering I had more immediate issues. Thinking quickly, I pushed forward, fighting against the pull of the estranged Kaka… I was personally just glad she didn’t have her claws right now. “Yan, let go! Bang may not be here, but I am not going to share your bed.” I stated firmly, the Kaka suddenly leaping up, her legs coming to wrap around my waist. “Sweet Guy needs rest and warmth, nya! Yan going to give him both and more!”
            “It’s not proper for two people who are not a couple to share a bed, you know!” Slipped past my lips as I fought against her pulling, trying to stay on my feet while she attempted to take me to the floor. “Yan can fix that, nya! Accept Yan’s love, nya!” She called out, holding on tighter as I tried to pry her off of my back. “I have things to do in the morning, Yan. I don’t have time for this!”
            All I heard in response was a quick “Too bad, nya! Yankaka Submission Attack!” before feeling a sharp pain on my shoulder. Did… Did she just fucking bite me!?


  1. I turn my back for a bit and you go and get another girl. Have you no shame? No fidelity? No sense of pathos or ethos? I should have never let Psyche take over while I was feeling bad for Amelia...not that it would have changed things, but still. Have you thought about what it is you're doing? Fully and completely? - Sora

    1. This one is special... and potentially psychotic to a degree. I don't have a single woman, mind you. They are all my friends... This one is just actually trying to get with me. I simply want everyone to get along as friends. She is pushing things and actually trying to create a solid relationship for whatever reason.
      -Tadek Pezrin

    2. That-that's the natural thing to want when you love someone. A relationship where you share mutual feelings together. Why does it seem like nobody I know understands that? Anyway, my question was directed at you in your entirety. Just how much have you considered your actions, and what you hope to accomplish? - Sora

    3. My actions are to make sure everyone is happy. Do you realize how hard it would be to keep any relationship loving and together for over a century when my past experiences are rarely longer than three months? Sorry to say, but I am a selfish bastard who doesn't want to go breaking people's hearts or try to create an emotional attachment, only to have it shatter.
      -Tadek Pezrin

    4. Who's to say that your next relationship won't be that magical one they stands the test of time? Look at Amelia and Gen, or even Dingo and Mordred. Relationships, friendship, love... they're all about risks and taking chances. Yes, hearts may break and attachments can shatter, but that doesn't mean the feelings were for nothing. It is my firm belief that it's better to have love and lost than to never have loved at all. Never experiencing the wonders of an emotion as pure as love is a waste in my eyes. So what will you do, Tadek? - Sora

    5. Can I point out that both of those relationships are not the healthiest in the world? Gen is regularly verbally abused to my knowledge and is on an eternal dry anti-marriage spell with Dingo and Mordred being very... eh... I don't see romance. I will do what I think is best... I care for people, but I avoid loving them for the pain it can wrought for nothing hurts more than to see the ones you love in pain or causing you turn your love into a vulnerability and use it to tear you apart. Take my words as ones of experience and up-close observation.
      -Tadek Pezrin

    6. I'll give you Mordred and Dingo, but Amelia and Gen are the sweetest pair I'll probably ever see. Verbal abuse and teasing are two separate things that look very similar on the outside. They decided to wait until Amelia was done jumping to properly tie the knot, but they're never going to break apart. And you're saying that if any of the girls or Bang were hurt you wouldn't feel anything? That is someone kidnapped them and threaten their safety you wouldn't worry and want to do almost whatever it took to get them back? Tadek, they already all love you. You need to either learn to love them back or realize that you already do. - Sora

    7. Hmm... Right. I would help because I should. They are friends and we have kept each other alive and well for this long. I do not want them hurt and I will help, but that is because I care... Love and care are two different things. One can care about their friends, but that doesn't mean they love them... Love is a VERY strong word. Overused where I come from... Lost its meaning. It took me YEARS to even feel care for them. Wouldn't want to burden them with what I feel by simply opening myself to such things. They have enough issues from their own pasts.
      -Tadek Pezrin

    8. I'm not sure what's worse, your stubbornness or King's density. I'm not making any progress here it seems. I'll leave you to think as you will. - Sora
