Saturday, March 25, 2017

Nineteenth Jump (Kingsman)


Origin: Chav (Free)

Location: A random, decently sized, southern town.

Perks: Unflappable Manner (400cp): I will be almost impossible to startle or panic and I have very good control of my emotions.

Equipment: The Mightiest Pen (200cp): It is a very nice pen... With a point dart inside. 
A Proper Spark(200cp)(Click this.) The Watch to Observe (200cp): A very nice watch with a taser and amnesia darts.

Ah, Such a Relaxing Day

            It had been about a week since we arrived in this modern world and, considering the setting, I didn’t really keep any of my abilities active besides a few cosmetic additions for clothing and the like. No need to scare the populace and, besides, I had a few new toys… Finally have an actual lighter for my cigarettes. Either way, I was sitting in the main room of my apartment, enjoying my weekly glass of rum and watching TV when Bang came running out from the hallway and dived out the front door. “Tadek! Yankaka wants you!” was all he managed to get out as he left.
            If that wasn’t foreboding, the fact that Yankaka stepped out from the hallway with a large, pleased smile on her face as she stepped in front of the TV and leaned over for a moment. Every one of my senses were telling me that I should run for some reason, but I simply set my glass down on the coffee table. “Afternoon, Yan. Is everything alright?” Her hands were folded behind her back as she leaned just a little closer toward me.
“Yes, Nice Guy… It will be, nya. Yankaka found tickets to special event, nya. Tadek take Yankaka?” She asked with a worryingly soft tone of voice, her hands coming out from behind her to show off two brochures to this restaurant that was opening up today, right next to a rather familiar church… Oh well. It was a high class establishment, so I took just a moment to, in a small wave of black, shifted into my usual, classy attire and stood up from the couch to look the cat in her red eyes that seemed to be twitching a little. “Gladly. I owe you a date.”
The Kaka threw those brochures up into the air and jumped up and down with little hops, her usual tone of voice returning on the spot. “Yay! Sweet Guy and Yankaka finally go on date, nya! Now Yankaka doesn’t have to poison your drin-…” She paused for a moment, her ears lowering down a little at her admission. With a huff, I simply reached out to gently rub the top of her hoodie-covered head. “One… That wouldn’t work. Two, we have been over this. No taking Lina’s advice. I forgive you, though, as you seem to realize that would be a bad thing to do.”
Once Yankaka was smiling again, we headed out to the restaurant. The place was for the wealthy, sadly, so it wasn’t really of my own personal tastes… but, as Yankaka was smiling as wide as her visage would allow and occasionally wrenching her braid out of excitement, I couldn’t bring myself to disappoint her… especially not when I felt like doing so would be a very, very bad move on my part. We went to our padded seats, led along by a waitress who gave us about three different menus and took the time to explain today’s specials.
This seemed rather odd to Yankaka whose head was turning one way or the other, her ears and tail twitching with a mix of curiosity and continued excitement. Before we even got our bread, which I had to keep my date from reaching over for other people’s food and keep her attentive with conversation, a man came out, apparently he was the owner of the establishment, and stepped to the front of the room with a microphone in hand to welcome and thank us all for coming.
“Thank you all for coming! This establishment was built as a memorial… A memorial to my sons who passed in the line of duty, a memorial to my wife who died of heart break, and finally… a memorial to all of those who have lost loved ones to the grievances of war.” There was a moment of silence… and me nudging Yankaka with my foot to keep her from speaking up. “Again, thank you. May this restaurant remain open for many, many years to come… The proceeds will always be devoted to aiding those in need-“ He was interrupted as these people with signs and everything else came in, yelling and chanting various religious statements and causing issue.
One of them had the audacity to run up to Yankaka, yelling in her face, questioning her about her appearance and the fact that she had a moving tail and everything else. She, in return, yelled back at him and I took notice of the fact that her claws were starting to show. With a calm sigh, I stood up and moved in-between them, one of my hands reaching down to set itself on her shoulder as she was about to stand up. “Yan, put your claws away.” I mentioned quietly, the man in question glancing down to see those large, sickle-shaped claws that were disappearing into her sleeves.
“And you have no place yelling at her or speaking here-“ Before I could actually get my word across, he went running back to his group and they ran off, yelling something about a demon and needing to cleanse themselves. With a little growl, I gave Yan’s shoulder a gentle squeeze and glanced over toward the owner of the restaurant, who was visibly tearing up, before walking off to follow the group.
This led me to a little, one-room church where I was greeted by the speeches of their priest and, once they saw me, one woman with blonde hair stood up and started preaching at me for whatever reason. Instead of pushing my point, I turned around and started to walk out, all the way up until someone, I couldn’t tell who, yelled out “Be gone! Go back to your devilish harlot and the sinful establishment that you came from!” With a small wave of black, I transformed into a different appearance… Just in case one of them survived. Though, an odd ringing started to sound out for whatever reason.

            After I had left the church, having taken care of the disrespectful bunch, I shifted back into my actual appearance and attire before heading back over to the restaurant. Yankaka, for whatever reason, was sitting outside on the curb. “Yan, why aren’t you at the table?” I asked, moving to take a seat down next to her. She was gently clawing at that wooden carving she had of me with a sad expression to her visage.
            “Yankaka wanted first date to be good… They ruined it, nya. Now Nice Guy won’t take Yankaka on another date… First one’s bad, so he will think others are bad, nya.” From the fact that she didn’t seem to notice that I was there and how she never reacted to me speaking, not to mention the way she was talking, it was a safe bet that she had zoned out. I simply reached out to wrap my arm around her shoulders and pull her in close with a huff.
            It took a moment, but it did break her trance. “Yan, don’t worry about it, alright? The date isn’t over and, even if it was over, we wouldn’t be alright. I would still want to go out on another one… Just cause a few bastards, may they rest in peace, came marching in wouldn’t change the fact that I enjoy spending time with you. Got it?” I grinned, the Kaka moving to lean up against me, one of her arms moving to slip in around my waist as she did. She still seemed worried, for one she wasn’t speaking anymore, but after a moment I managed to convince her to go back inside with me so that we could eat and enjoy the rest of our date.

            It wasn’t five minutes before we were kicked out when she attempted to knife the waitress for giving me a flirtatious compliment.

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