Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Sixteenth Jump (Harvest Moon) Part 5

The Quartermaster’s Attempt

            A while after I had gotten out of the clinic and back on my feet, I took the chance to get everything back in order. We were missing a chicken, which I could probably blame on Yankaka (I was correct.) and I had to help Bang finish up the barn repairs. Everything was fine, though. It was spring, everything was calm… and then I answered the door and Fia was standing there Celestian holding onto her shoulder. “Good afternoon, Mr. Pezrin. I apologize for any inconvenience, but Fia wanted to ask you something that you may find of interest.”
            The quartermaster, who went about wearing a simple dress ever since we got here, stood there with her hands crossed in front of her dress. “Uh… Tadek… Would you like to, well… Would you like to go get some lunch?” Celestian gave her a little tap as if to remind her of something, her cheeks carrying an extra shade of red. What was this? A cliché anime? “Right. I heard about the competition between the girls… a-and I wanted to… to… go on a date.”
            I glanced up toward Celestian, then back down to Fia, then back to Celestian, and eventually tilted my head off to the side. “There’s a competition? Why the fuck is there a competition?” I could almost hear the needle scratching across the record in the background as everyone went still. Come to find out, after chatting with the both of them for a while, Lina had come up with this ‘amazing’ idea to give everyone a single chance at impressing me and affect my view of them in the romantic sense.
            With a heavy sigh, I slammed my palm against my forehead before reaching over to grab my coat and pull it on. “Come along, Fia. We’re going to get something to eat. Not for the competition, though… I rarely get to talk to you properly, so I would like to get to know the person behind those books you read.” As I spoke, I stepped up, set my hand on her shoulder, and brought her along while Celestian was left behind to hold off a complaining Yankaka.
            Fia was smiling to herself as we went to the teahouse, which Cierra was off today, and went ahead and sat down for a decent meal. While the waitress was off, we both spoke about the current situation with her work. Which, of course, she did find the merchant work extremely satisfying as it was something that she was quite used to. In her words “It was the task that the God Emperor had given me back home and it suits my organizational mindset”. I did have to agree with her there as, from what I could tell, she was very single-minded in her focus. If she was ever given a job, she would put all of her attention and time into it before anything else. Multi-tasking was never her strong suit.
            It was at least a calm afternoon. For me there was no keeping track of chores, no taking care of the animals, or working around the farm in general. For Fia, it was the fact that she got a break… Seriously, I never saw her take a break from her work except when I forcefully dragged her away… One time that was much more literal than I would like to admit, considering her employers asked me to do so one day. It took both me and Cierra to pull her off of the shelf that she had latched onto.
            “So, Fia. How are you enjoying it here, hmm? In general, I mean… Everyone, except for Celestian, seems to be enjoying the calm atmosphere. Granted, I think she just wants to run a town… I remember the mayor getting a little uppity when she tried to institute military service.” As I spoke, the waitress finally returned and set down our food and, of course, our drinks. I had ordered some water and some sake with mine… Trying to at least drink less. Fia simply let out a little sigh at the sight, her head shaking from one side to the other disapprovingly.
            “Still drinking, I see. You do realize that you drinking habits account for the majority of the profits at the store, right?” She commented, her eyes giving me a once-over before she simply reached out to take my hand and pull it a hint closer. “You need to stop drinking. Please.” The normally shy woman seemed quite serious, just as my free hand was taking a hold of the glass that had sake. “Hmm… Why is everyone getting onto me about that? Fine… I won’t drink today.”
            She did have a point, though. That is quite a bit of profit for the store… No wonder they tended to listen when I wanted a specific drink. They knew I would buy it in mass. Pushing the glass aside brought a little smile to Fia’s lips, but she did pull her hands back with a small squeak once she realized that she had been holding onto my hand for a good half-minute after she finished speaking, her cheeks quickly turning red from the realization. I personally paid no mind, considering one could honestly call this a pseudo-date in some regards.
            “Heh, no need to freak out. We’ve known each other for how long now? You’re free to touch my hand, if you so desire… As long as it isn’t for too long, of course.” I commented, reaching out to give her hands a little pat to show that it was alright. I… had no idea what I was doing here. That was quite obvious, considering Fia gave me a little look that was a mixture of ‘are you serious’ and honest amusement. She seemed to take it in stride as she simply took my hand and gave it a small, reassuring squeeze.
            We did go ahead and eat, though, taking the chance to eat before it got cold. Everything was calm after that for the most part. After we ate, we headed back to the farm and sat down by the pond. It was… pleasant, as we simply enjoyed the night, up until she actually said something of immediate importance. “Tadek, may I be honest?”
            I set down my fishing rod… yes, I had been fishing at the time… and glanced over to her, making sure to set one hand down on the rod, just in case something happened to bite this late at night. “Eh, sure… Would rather you be honest than lying at any point. Like that time you said you were installing a new HUD for my eyes and next thing I knew I had an AI in my head telling me to buy you things.” I squinted my eyes, earning a nervous chuckle from the scribe.
            “Right, uh… Sorry about that. The machine ghost wasn’t my idea. But, still… To be serious, I really like you. I don’t care who you choose, but know that I will be around in the end to make sure you don’t get yourself killed. It’s better than back home and I think that the Emperor of Mankind would approve.” She commented, actually managing to get me to smile for just a moment.
            “You could actually say that I might… Well… I might l-“ Before she could finish, all that I heard was a loud, shrill “KIND GUY! HELP YANKAKA! NYA!” before I was tackled by an estranged Yankaka who barreled over me and sent both me and herself straight into the pond with a Celestian running behind her. By the time that I actually settled the situation with Celestian trying to teach Yankaka how to, and I quote, “Act like a disciplined, young woman who does not wear that undignified hoodie and animalistic, cybernetic tail”, which lead me to having to explain that the tail was actually part of her body, which opened another can of worms… but, by the time that it was finished, Celestian and Fia had to get back too Bluebell before it got to late.

            Hmm… Interesting. She never answered my question on how she liked it.

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